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Journal: Books for Review

First World War Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year by Taylor & Francis and is the official organ of the International Society for First World War Studies. In addition to original articles, the journal also publishes peer reviews of scholarly and trade books which examine the era of the First World War in all disciplines and fields. This list is a live document of publications currently available for review in the journal. If you are interested in reviewing any of the following works, you may apply to review for our journal. Please send an email to with the following information:

  1. Your name, degree, institutional affiliation
  2. Title of publication in list below you wish to review
  3. A brief list of your qualifications which includes any publications, review experience, languages you can read, scholarly fields, and disciplinary focus. Brief CV is also fine.
  4. Please also include your current email and postal addresses.

Please note: Reviewers do not need to be members of the society. Also we cannot guarantee that your application to review the book you request will be approved; however, we do try to match qualified applicants with appropriate and relevant works. We look forward to hearing from you.

Books Currently Available for Review

Anghelone, Francesco & Andrea Ungari.
Appelbaum, Peter C.
Baines, Andrew and Joanna Palmer.
Balck, Hermann and David T. Zabecki, Ed.
Ball, Gregory.